Moving forward with the overall growth in Ohio, the Local Council has chosen a chairperson for events promotion for Ohio. You may submit events and find the NMTSS events scheduled for the area on the site.
Here are the events that you can expect to find on the calendar and see announcements for:
- Major NMTSS Events
- Local Seminars
- NDTs and B5s
- UBPs
- Product Trainings
- UMOs & Trainings
- Home Business Presentations (Only if it is open to everyone in the area)
- Product Previews (Only if it is open up to everyone in the area)
- Corings (Only if it is open up to everyone in the area)
If you are hosting an event that is not a part of the NMTSS and would like for it to be put on the calendar, there are few guidelines that need to be addressed.
- Must send Event Name & Info (Address/Date/Time/RSVP) 7 Days prior to the event to MATEAMOHIO@GMAIL.COM
- The hosting DISTRIBUTOR will be responsible for communicating with those that RSVP regarding any changes/cancellations that may occur
- Any promotion of the event will need to be done by the DISTRIBUTOR that has scheduled the event (FB Group, Email area leaders, etc...)
- Please include RSVP Details in the description of the event that you submit so that anyone looking to attend will understand that they MUST RSVP to receive any event updates
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the next UBP!