
Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Now that everyone has been back in the trenches this first week of World Conference, it is time to buckle down and perform the basics of the business.  This is soooooo simple!  As a matter of fact, for those that did not know, that is what the challenge is all about.

On a personal level, my favorite part of the challenge is that the people that complete it are the GoNows that everyone should be aspiring to follow.  The challenges even the playing field where a brand spanking new distributor can be recognized with any veteran simply because it is relevant to the activity that is being done right now!  It has nothing to do with what level of the business you are at and has everything to do with what you are doing with your business.

If you are new, DO NOT be intimidated by the word challenge.  Just download it and start checking things off.  In fact, follow it and it will put you on track to completing the 2-3 year plan.  If you do not complete the criteria fully, WHO CARES!!!  Your business still grows and money will start flowing shortly following if not during the duration of the challenge.

My suggestion is to give up any excuse you may still be holding onto, download the challenge, print it out, let a Sr. Partner know that you are going for it and simply...DO IT!!!

Looking forward to being recognized and recognizing all of the challenge winners on March 2nd.  Especially the "Rising Stars" of Ohio!

Be Successful & DO IT...